Saturday, May 21, 2011

Our Business name is P.A.S.T and it stands for Paranormal American Scientific Tours. The name of our actual group is PSR Group which stands for Paranormal Scientific Research Group

Our Business name is P.A.S.T and it stands for Paranormal American Scientific Tours. The name of our actual group is PSR Group which stands for Paranormal Scientific Research Group. You will of course notice that "science" is featured in both of our names which was very well thought out. We employ only purely scientific methods in our research and of course in our tours as well. Others may claim to use scientific methods but when you look more closely they may mix that science with some very unscientific tools (such as dousing rods.) The tools that we use are based in science such as an accelerometer which is based on physics and measures sound waves that come through the ground. This one piece of equipment is so sensitive that it can literally pick up the vibration of a feather dropped on the ground next to it. It is only through a scientific and a skeptical approach that we can weed out those things that, while at first seem paranormal, upon further study clearly are not and it is only through these methods that we can arrive at the truth. The truth is what we are constantly seeking as a group and what we plan to help others arrive at as well.

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